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Columbus Elementary has operated under the leadership of two principals, Mr. Larry Carlson from the school's opening in 1972 to 1999 and Mr. Neal Fox from 1999 to present. Mr. Fox, pictured at left, is an integrally passionate leader and closely involved with all students and staff. Mr. Fox takes pride in assuming that the building and all that happens within is the best that it can be.



Sixty-one percent of Columbus' staff have devoted nineteen or more years to Columbus, with 86% holding advanced and/or Masters Degrees in Education. Several teachers serve as department chairs for district-wide math, social studies and science curricula. Columbus prides itself on offering a dynamic education that prepares students to develop independence, confidence and a commitment to learning. Our school community recognized and provides for students' emotional, academic, social and physical needs.



Columbus' dynamic staff is committed to academic excellence and the development of the whole child. Beyond faculty leadership lies ongoing student leadership opportunities. Book Drives, Feed My Starving Children, Halloween candy drive, and food drives, are just a few of the service-based leadership projects offered at Columbus. The entire Columbus school community pledges a strong commitment to celebrate achievements of all students. Open communication between staff and families supports student success!